Calibrate Weight Loss Reviews

Are you new to wearing a Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) or considering trying it out? As someone who has been using Dexcom CGMs for over six years, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way. But don’t worry, I’m here to share my juiciest secrets with you so you can avoid these mishaps and have a smooth CGM experience.

Calibrate Weight Loss Reviews
Calibrate Weight Loss Reviews

Mistake #1: Inserting the CGM Sensor Right Before Bed

One of the biggest mistakes I made was inserting the CGM sensor right before bedtime. Why is this a problem? Well, most sensors are somewhat inaccurate, especially in the first 24 hours. If you insert it right before bed, you’ll likely be bombarded with CGM alarms throughout the night instead of getting a good night’s sleep. Trust me, I’ve been there.

To avoid this, I recommend not starting your CGM right before going to bed. Give it some time to calibrate and stabilize before you hit the hay. You’ll thank me later when you’re not sleep-deprived from all the alarms.

Mistake #2: Inserting the Sensor during Blood Sugar Fluctuations

Another mistake I made was inserting the sensor when my blood sugars were fluctuating, such as right after a meal. This can confuse the sensor and lead to inaccurate readings for a longer period. To ensure the most accurate sensors, I found that inserting the sensor in the afternoon, a few hours after lunch and a few hours before dinner, works best for me. This allows time for my blood sugars to stabilize before relying on the CGM readings.

Mistake #3: Chasing Highs and Lows

When I first started wearing my CGM, I had a habit of reacting to every high or low I saw on the device. This led to a roller coaster of blood sugar levels throughout the day. Now, I’ve learned to pause and think through the whole scenario before taking any action.

For example, if my blood sugar rises after a meal, I ask myself if I actually need more insulin or if it’s a timing issue with my meal. By considering all factors, such as insulin timing or the type of insulin I’m using, I can make a more informed decision. This helps me avoid unnecessary insulin injections or overreacting to every fluctuation.

Mistake #4: Solely Relying on CGM Readings

In the beginning, I relied too heavily on my CGM readings and neglected the importance of fingerstick tests. CGM sensors can be fairly inaccurate, especially in the first 24 hours. Therefore, making dosing decisions solely based on CGM readings can lead to mistakes.

Remember, your CGM measures your blood sugars in the fluid, which lags behind actual blood sugar levels by about 10 minutes. Additionally, CGM readings are updated every five minutes, so there can be a delay of up to 15 minutes. If your blood sugar is fluctuating rapidly, the CGM may not have caught up yet.

To avoid this mistake, always carry a blood glucose meter with you and perform regular fingerstick tests. While the CGM is a valuable tool, it’s important to use it in conjunction with fingerstick tests for more accurate readings.


Now that you’re aware of the four biggest mistakes I made with my Dexcom CGM, you can steer clear of these pitfalls and have a smoother experience. Remember to give your sensor time to calibrate, insert it during stable blood sugar periods, think through the whole scenario before reacting, and use fingerstick tests in conjunction with CGM readings.

If you’re interested in learning more about CGMs or want to explore other brand options, feel free to leave a comment below. And if you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more exciting content on managing diabetes and optimizing your body sculpting journey.

Thank you for reading and happy CGM-ing!

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