Best Non Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Are you struggling to achieve your weight loss goals through diet and exercise alone? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find it challenging to shed those extra pounds, even with their best efforts. But there is hope. In this article, we will introduce you to a minimally invasive, non-surgical weight loss procedure called Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG).

Best Non Surgical Weight Loss Procedures
Best Non Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

What is ESG?

ESG is a revolutionary weight loss procedure that offers an alternative to traditional bariatric surgeries. Unlike other surgical methods, ESG is minimally invasive and does not require any incisions. The procedure involves inserting an endoscope through the mouth and suturing the stomach to itself. This creates a sleeve-like structure that restricts the amount of food you can consume and induces hormonal changes to aid weight loss.

The Benefits of ESG

ESG has shown remarkable success in helping patients achieve their weight loss goals. On average, individuals can expect to lose up to 70% of their excess weight, which translates to around 20% of their total body weight. These results far surpass what can be achieved through diet, exercise, and medication alone. ESG provides an effective tool to assist individuals in their weight loss journey.

Safety and Recovery

Compared to traditional weight loss surgeries, ESG carries fewer risks and complications. It is an excellent option for individuals who may not qualify for or prefer not to undergo invasive surgeries like gastric sleeve or bypass. While some patients may experience temporary side effects such as nausea and mild shoulder pain, they typically recover within a couple of days and can resume their normal routines.

The Speed of Weight Loss

The majority of weight loss after ESG occurs within the first nine months. During this period, patients can expect significant progress towards their weight loss goals. Nutritional meetings and guidance from a nutritionist, along with regular follow-ups with physicians, play a crucial role in helping individuals reach their targets. With dedication and support, patients can achieve remarkable results within the first nine months.

Long-Term Effects

ESG is a permanent procedure that promotes long-term weight loss. The sutures used to create the stomach sleeve are designed to remain in place indefinitely. While it may be technically possible to reverse the procedure, it is not recommended or desired. The stomach naturally heals around the sutures, ensuring that the restriction and hormonal effects persist over the long term.

Is ESG Right for You?

Undergoing an ESG procedure does not preclude patients from exploring other weight loss options in the future. It is a viable choice for individuals who do not meet the qualifications for traditional bariatric surgeries, but still struggle to achieve their weight loss goals. ESG provides an effective tool to enhance the outcomes of diet, exercise, and medication, allowing individuals to finally see the results they desire.

Understanding BMI

When considering weight loss procedures, Body Mass Index (BMI) is an essential metric. BMI determines the severity of metabolic disease in individuals. While it may not always accurately reflect an individual’s appearance or health, it remains a critical factor for insurance qualification and medical assessment. ESG is most beneficial for individuals with a BMI between 30 and 40, providing them with the extra help they need to achieve their weight loss goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about ESG and other weight loss procedures, visit Body Sculpting. Our team of experts at Menorah Medical Center is committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals through safe and effective treatments. Don’t let your weight hold you back any longer – take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today!

Note: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing any weight loss procedures.